Winter lip care is important.


During the winter, we tend to be so focused on our skin that we may forget to give T.L.C. to a major part of our face: the lips.

Want to keep your lips silky smooth all season long? Here are 4 tips for caring for your lips you should be following:

Image from Tarte Cosmetics

Eliminate Dead Skin

Cold wind can take a toll on our lips. Gently exfoliating with a lip scrub once or twice a day can make all the difference. There are many lip scrubs available to purchase in stores and online, but if you have some extra time, you can make your own too. Applying the lip scrub in the morning before putting on makeup will have your lips ready for the day. Using a scrub at night after brushing your teeth can rid your lips of any dead skin they accumulate over time. You may apply a scrub with a clean toothbrush, which may be harsh on sensitive lips. Partner your lip scrub with Intrinsics 12-ply gauze for gentle, but effective, abrasion.

Image from “How to Make Lip Balm...” by Shopify

Balm Before Bed

Apply a lip balm at night before bed to soothe any dryness you may experience while you sleep (or those times you’re so tired that you snore with your mouth wide-open all night). Think of it as an overnight lip mask. No more waking up with cracked lips!

PS: Did you know you can use aloe vera to moisturize your lips, as well as for a face mask? We love this idea.

Keep It Handy

We all have our favorites: Burts Bees, Chapstick, eos, Baby Lips. What good is your chapstick if it’s sitting on your vanity at home? Buy a 4 pack of your preferred brand and leave one at home, in your purse/bag, in your car, and one at your desk. This is a fool-proof way to always have access to relief when your lips feel like they’re on fire. Because nobody likes chapped lips.

Drink. More. Water.

If you feel like you read this advice everywhere, it’s because it’s true. Despite the fact that it may not be a sweltering, summer day, your body still needs water. Consuming your daily dose of H20 is beneficial for skin and lip hydration, and for your overall health. Get a glass/aluminum water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day; your lips, skin, and body will thank you.


Topics:   gauze, lip balm, tips for winter lip care, 12 ply gauze, Lip scrubs, intrinsics gauze, Uncategorized, Intrinsics DIY: Beauty Recipes, intrinsics 12 ply gauze, lip care, winter tips, lips, lip mask, Skin Care, winter lip care