
When we think of salt, one of two things come to mind:

French fries and relaxation.

Wait, but aren’t those two things synonymous?


When it comes to relaxation, however, salts you use will not be your run-of-the-mill table salt (NaCl). Both sea salt and epsom salt can be used in the spa, and home, setting for some natural relaxation.

Why Sodium?

Nervous impulses and muscle contractions are a result of the electrochemical activity that is made possible by sodium. It’s also important to maintain the volume of our blood by retaining water and controlling plasma particles.



Himalayan pink salt

Sea Salts

Sea salt is produced by evaporating salt water, especially from the ocean. Sea salt is unprocessed, therefore it contains a bounty of minerals; some types actually contain all 84 minerals found in the human body.

There are different kinds of sea salt depending on where it was sourced from: Himalayan, Celtic, Dead Sea, Hawaiian, Flaky, and Fleur de Sel. These vary in color and flavor.

Using Sea Salts

Sea salt, by nature, has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore it can make a great pain reliever, especially for those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and eczema. The alkalizing effects of sea salt prevent bacteria and viruses from thriving and the magnesium found in some sea salts can help maintain pH balance of the body.

You can also add these salts to your beauty routine:
  • Add sea salts to your toner to cleanse your pores
  • Balance oil production
  • Rid of any bacteria on the face
  • Combine with equal parts olive oil for a cultile refresh



Epsom salt, courtesy of Salt Works

Epsom Salts

Epsom salt is a natural alternative that has been used therapeutically for centuries.

It is actually magnesium sulfate and is made from a substance containing magnesium (often dolomite).

Using Epsom Salts

Like sea salt, Epsom salt is an anti-inflammatory. It’s used to treat cold and flu symptoms, sore muscles and joints, and itchy skin. When shopping for Epsom salt, look for USP epsom salts with a “drug facts” box. Why? Because it has been manufactured, tested, and made to meet FDA and USP standards. Be sure you’re using the certifiably good stuff.

You can also add Epsom salts to your beauty routine:
  • Mix some into cleansing cream for deep-pore purification
  • Use it to gently exfoliate your skin and face
  • Used in sensory deprivation tanks and float baths



Float tank, courtesy of Float UK


If you’re considering adding a float tank to your spa menu, be sure to use the correct materials so your pipes don’t corrode.

Whether you’re thinking of visiting a spa or doing an at-home session, salt is a great addition to your relaxation routine. Not only will salts balance your pH and soothe achy joints, but they will also leave your skin feeling soft and clean.

Topics:   Spa, Intrinsics, sea salt, anti-inflammatory, balt salts, natural pain relief, balancing pH, sea salt vs epsom, at home spa, USP, FDA, relaxation, minerals, salt, how to use epsom salt, epsom salt vs sea salt, spa salts, how to use sea salt, kinds of sea salt, salt water, pH, epsom salt