Last week, I sat down with barber industry veteran Mike McBunch to discuss his history with the National Association of Barber Boards of America, his love for Intrinsics (shout out to the Neck ...
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Intrinsics Beauty Blog
Last week, I sat down with barber industry veteran Mike McBunch to discuss his history with the National Association of Barber Boards of America, his love for Intrinsics (shout out to the Neck ...

Ever wanted to change your polish color and realize you’re just going through way to many cotton balls? Or you’ve completely run out? We’ve got the solution: the DIY nail polish remover jar. It’s as ...

The Intrinsics Toe Rope: unique in size and shape, but unparalleled in strength and utility. Plus, they’re gentle on the Earth. How much better can it get? We’ll tell you!

One of the best things about the end of a year is reflecting back on the trends we loved most! Here are some of our top picks from 2019:

Do it yourself, girl! If you're into DIY, you will love this clay and honey face wash recipe.