The shape of your face is just as unique as you are, therefore the shape of your eyebrows should be tailored especially to you.

Before you pick up the tweezers, take this helpful advice into account when shaping your brows.

We found some great information from Eyebrowz on face shapes, as well as advice on how to shape your eyebrows accordingly.


The six basic face shapes and their characteristics:




  •      Forehead is wider than chin
  •      Prominent cheekbones
  •      Fairly narrow chin

Perfect eyebrow shape is soft angled shape, goes straight up and gently curves round the top and down





  •      Face is almost as wide as it is long
  •      Face is widest at the cheeks

High arch brow, shape should that follows a straight line to the peak of the brow





  •      Forehead, cheekbones, jawlines all about the same width
  •      Narrow, oval chin

Straight horizontal lines that stop the eye, flat brow can make the face appear shorter.





  •      Forehead, cheekbones, jawline are about the same width
  •      Squared jawline

Thicker, stronger color and shape can balance a squared jawline. A defined sharp peak at the top of the brow makes it appear stronger.




  •      Similar to oval, but the chin tapers to a point

Low arch rounded brows creates a natural look. Highly arched brow can create a more dramatic feel and add length to a shorter heart shaped face






  •      Not as common as other face shapes
  •      Highly angular
  •      Shorter forehead, face is widest at temples

Curved brows with a high arch or round brow with pointed arch


How to Measure Your Face Shape


Eyebrowz also provides a great graphic on how to identify which shape your face is along with detailed these steps:





After measuring your face to determine which shape most closely matches yours, you’re ready to start the process of shaping your brows to fit.

When shaping eyebrows from scratch, a stencil is an enormously helpful tool to use. Tweezers are great for touch ups, but shaping brows can be most easily achieved by different types of waxing.


Intrinsics waxing strips, made from nonwoven pellon, are pre-cut into 3”x 9” strips for easy access during wax treatments. Intrinsics also offers these waxing strips in the form of a 3” wide wax strip roll, for professionals to use as much or as little of the roll that they need. This high quality pellon leaves no residue and will not tear or stretch, ensuring a precise and clean waxing service.

Voilà! Your brows will be looking spectacular. Make sure to clean any waxed areas to prevent breakouts. 


Topics:   Uncategorized, Our Products, shaping eyebrows, types of waxing, waxing roll, face shape, brow, wax treatments, match eyebrows with face shape, wax strip roll, waxing eyebrows, shaping brows, eyebrows face shape, eyebrows